Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Onions and Garlic

It's hard to believe I've not written much on my blog the latter part of this year. Well, it is a diary and I have not been doing much at the allotment. Life has been keeping me busy but I did plant some japanese onions and some thermidrome garlic a few weeks. (-maybe a couple of months ago!?!)
Today we went to the allotment to pull carrots and look at the overgrown cauliflower. It is past its best - which is criminal seeing as how hard they are to grow.


Carrie said...

hey, don't beat yourself up, unfortunately produce does go to waste on any allotment. Just look at it as compost for next year. But heck, well done anyway for growing a cauilflower - so hard!

Jo said...

Life does get in the way of blogging sometimes. At least you've managed to get to the allotment, all this rain has been keeping me away.