Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Beautify My Blog

Broad beans appearing

Tomatoes potted on

Goosegogs plumping

I have a new camera... I am so happy. Thank you my love.

Good photography makes a blog so much better. I feel very spoilt to have been given a camera outside of birthday and Christmas time. Oh but how it will revolutionise my life and blog. Carrots and Kids blog is so gorgeous to look at and of a quality I aspire to. The writing is professional. I haven't much hope of that. It is the blog that inspired me in the first place and which in a way, supports me. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm going to fail, whether the weeds will beat me. I wonder if life will pull me away from the allotment and I'll be one of those, who the seasoned others tut about. I don't want to fail. Carrots and Kids encourages me. And to all you others who comment on my blog, thank you, it's really lovely to have you out there. I never really knew how nice comments were until I got some.

My work has picked up and I really have to steal time to get down to the allotment and just water. The weather men have forecast elusive rain for weeks now. Dark stormy clouds appeared at sunset this evening and I thought my water butt may actually be employed, but no, no rain yet.

I've potted on my tomatoes at home today. I am, if the all survive, probably going to have too many tomatoes. I love tomatoes. Which is a good thing because the other half cannot abide by them, especially in their natural state. I have also got the little one to sow some more salad leaves as he weeded the previous batch out!


Jo said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.
I have just read your's from the beginning. Wow! You've certainly done alot of work in a short space of time. It's really good to read other people's experiences when you've just taken something on yourself. It gives you something to aspire to.
How lucky to have an under gardener! My kids are keen at the moment but I'm wondering how long it will last!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tash, thank you so much for your lovely words, they've made my day (hell my week!).

I have no idea how I encourage you but I'm glad I do.

What a wonderful present! Lucky you. What sort of camera is it? I take mine to the allotment so muc it is in dire need of a clean, it's a bit muddy and dusty which is terrible.

Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.


Tash said...

Jo, I shall enjoy following yours.

Well mrsglory, you encourage me because you've had your allotment 7 years, you've got 5 kids and you work and have time for 2 blogs and twitter.
If you can do it with 5, I think I can with only one child! - that's inspiring!
Oh -My camera is a Canon Eos 450D - it's dreamy, I love it.
I must look after it - especially when taking it to the allotment.

Kella said...

Hi I just read your blog from the beginning and what a lovely read it was too.

My veg growing is all done at home with raise beds also.

Anyway well done so far you have accomplished such a lot in a short space of time, I wish you a great growing season.

Carrie said...

Oh, jealous of your broad beans, ours are just starting to form but the gooseys are about the same. Very exciting, we only had 1 last year, now there's loads.

Enjoy that new camera. I love my mine, never without one - addicted!

Maureen said...

Tash, This post is such a good read, congrats on the new camera, I have a Canon EOS 30D and its great, also a smaller Fuji S5700 which I take to the allotment with me as my Canon is too bulky, as it has a big lens.

Your efforts are paying off as everything looks good.
I have also planted some 'Roma' tomatoes, but I took the seeds from one that I was eating from M&S, dried them out and planted them, but apparently I may not get the true Roma tomatoes, I will have to wait & see. I have other varieties growing as well.

I don't think you will fail it all looks fab so far.